Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Nav Graha Vyakhyan

Surya Dev

The Sun is said to be an unkind planet as it is hot and controls the mind and body of a person. This planet is also renowned for bringing success in destiny and accomplishment of wishes. The beloved day of the planet is Sunday and adored God is Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. The favourite colour of this planet is Vermillion Red.

The Indian mythology has suggested the following tasks to make this planet in act of kindness for you:

         On any of the Sundays, make a contribution of a red coloured cloth to the needy
         At the time of sunrise, pour pure water in front of the Sun to receive its blessings (If Rahu is in first house, the task is not allowed).
         Worship Lord Shiva to appease the planet Sun 
         If it suits your pocket then contribute gold or copper on any of the Sundays to a person in need
         Feed the poor with Raw Sugar and roasted grams on Sunday
         Chant mantras using red sandal beaded garland
         If possible, provide prayer books as well as religious books on Sunday. Spread as much knowledge as you can at no cost to get into the good books of the Sun
         Everyday, while eating, use at least a single cardamom
         Everyday, chew a piece of liquorice
         Think about the Sun and thank the planet by relaxing in the shadow of pine trees
         Mark a Red Tilak on your forehead
         In a copper vessel, keep a glass of fresh water overnight, which is covered and drink it in the morning
         Have fast on Sundays
         This might be the most difficult for anyone but speak the truth as much as possible to appease the Sun
         On No Moon Day keep Mounavrat
         Recite Sun's Vedic mantra every morning
         Recite Sun's Seed Mantra as many times as you can
         On a Sunday, wear ruby in the ring finger (Not, in case of a debilitated Sun in your Kundli)

Note: If, Sun is bad or debilitated in your chart then only the donations or offering gifts to others are allowed, but, if the Sun is good then not, so do confirm with us first, as sometimes making wrong donations may give big losses rather than any profit.

Note: The tasks mentioned above are very general in nature, you are advised to consult us at for specific result oriented remedies meant for you before performing any; as remedies are meant for guaranteed changes in life.

This planet is the ruler among all the planets rotating around. The nature of the blood red coloured planet is bile-dominated. The planet Sun is exiled in Aquarius, exalted in Aries, is the ruler of Leo and debilitated in Libra. The friends list constitute of Moon, Mars, and Jupiter, The enemies are Ketu, Venus, Saturn and Rahu. There are some nakshatras which are ruled by this planet which consist of Kritika, Uttra Phalguni and Uttra Khad.
The planet offers brilliance, success in worldly affairs, intellect, wealth and understanding of the phenomenal world. This planet also influences the spine of the humans. The right eye in men and the left eye in women are associated with the Sun.

The Sun is also known for ruling heart, brain and nerves. This planet represents rich and famous people and creative people. The planet rules over gold, red sandalwood and red cows. The influence of this planet can be seen between 12 to 24 years of age. If the planet is against, it may give diseases such as low and high blood pressure, fever and diseases of the head. The Sun is also linked with success, health and pay of the person. If the Sun is in your favour then it will definitely provide you a sound health which we all know is essential to perform everyday tasks and enjoy life. The gemstone for the planet Sun is Ruby which is popularly known as Manik. We wish that the Sun brings all the good things for you.
Surya Mantra to Chant

Aum Hring Hamsah Suryaye Namah Aum 

Chandra Dev

The moon is the planet which is known for its association with the functionality of mind. This planet provides one the power of meditation as well as concentration. The much-loved colour of this planet is white and the favourite deity is Lord Shiva. The beloved day of Chandra Dev is Monday.
The Indian mythology has stated the following tasks to enjoy the favour of this planet. These tasks are given below:
  • On any Monday, donate white cloth to the person in need
  • Chant “Om Namah Shivay” as much as you can
  • Worship Lord Shiva daily
  • Have a fast on Monday
  • Keep 'Mounavrat' on Poornima
  • On any Monday, you should wear a pearl ring in the small finger (Not, if Moon is debilitated in your Kundli)
  • While worshipping, use "Rudrakshamala"
  • You should apply Tilak of Sandal vermilion on the forehead
  • You should recite Vedic Mantra of the moon
  • You can also chant the seed mantra of the moon

Note: If, Moon is bad or debilitated in your chart then only the donations or offering gifts to others are allowed, but, if the Sun is good then not, so do confirm with us first, as sometimes making wrong donations may give big losses rather than any profit.

Note: The tasks mentioned above are very general in nature, you are advised to consult us at for specific result oriented remedies meant for you before performing any; as remedies are meant for guaranteed changes in life. 

Chandra Dev is considered to be the presiding deity of water. This planet rules over the tides of the sea. It is also the ruler of the vegetable empire as well as the vegetation. The nature of this planet is wise. Chandra Dev rules the peace of mind and the fortune of the person. This planet shows its authority around 24 to 25 years of age. This planet gives the person illumination, sensuality, love of poetry, prosperity, excellent fate, etc. It also makes the person sensitive, unstable as well as moving.
Chandra Dev rules growth, fertility, conception, etc. This planet also manipulates the infant stage of a person and rules over the brain and breasts. The planet also influences travellers, prostitutes, caterers, etc. The friends of Chandra Dev are Sun, Mars, and Jupiter. Its enemies consist of Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. The beneficial effects of the planet can be seen in Hast, Shravan, Punarvasu, Purva Bhadrapad, Rohini and Vishakha nakshatras. The favourable effects can also be experienced if this planet is in Kritika, Ashlekha, Jyestha, Uttra Phalguni, Uttra Khad and Revati nakshatras.
The gemstone of this planet is pearl. If the planet is not in favour then success becomes difficult for the person. It also makes the person feel weak in the early years and causes cough, paralysis and typhoid. The cool rays of Chandra Dev persuade the medicinal plants. It is known to be the 'King of Herbs'. It leads the person to healthiness and achievement in life.

Chandra Mantra to Chant
Aum Som Somaye Namah Aum

Mangal Dev

The planet Mars is considered to be a powerful planet. It can provide miracles for its devotees. This planet also protects its devotees from dangers and plays a vital role in the attainment of acquiring of status. The much-loved colour of this planet is Red and the desired day is Tuesday. Mangal Dev is the deity of Lord Hanuman.
As per the Indian mythology, you can perform the following tasks and get favours from this planet:
• On any of the Tuesday’s, you can donate a piece of Red cloth
• You can also wear a coral ring which is designed using Gold or Copper in the Index or Ring finger (Not, if Mars in your Kundli is debilitated)
• You can wear Gold or Copper ring
• To make the planet in your favour, you can offer Red Oleander in fire sacrifices
• Keep a fast on Tuesday and if not possible then ensure the usage of Lentil Pulse
• For 41 days, worship Lord Hanuman with Red Goolar or Kaner
• You should offer sandalwood in fire sacrifices
• You can apply vermilion of saffron to Gods to please the planet
• You should distribute Raw Sugar as Prasad
• If it’s possible for you, then donate Red Ox
• Start chanting Vedic mantra of Mars with Red Sandal Beaded Garland
• You should recite seed mantra of Mars with Red Sandal Beaded Garland

Note: If, Mars is bad or debilitated in your chart then only the donations or offering gifts to others are allowed, but, if the Sun is good then not, so do confirm with us first, as sometimes making wrong donations may give big losses rather than any profit.

Note: The tasks mentioned above are very general in nature, you are advised to consult us at for specific result oriented remedies meant for you before performing any; as remedies are meant for guaranteed changes in life. 

This planet is manly and is known to be the commander-in-chief of all the nine planets. Mangal Dev is also renowned as the God of war and rules over courage, physical strength, self-confidence, leadership abilities and insensitivity. This planet makes the person short-tempered, argumentative, etc. The planet also gives the person technical and mechanical abilities. Mangal Dev is known by the people for its fond for law and order as well as arrangement. It provides the person determination and independent spirit.
The most excellent effects of this planet come from 27 to 28 and up to 32 years of age. The metal of this planet is copper. The friends are Sun, Moon and Jupiter. If you’re thinking about the enemies then these are Mercury, Rahu and Ketu. Venus and Saturn sustain neutrality in terms of friendship. The planet is authoritative in Aquarius as well as Pisces. The nakshatras of Mangal Dev are Mrighshira, Dhanishtha and Chitra. The friendly zodiac signs constitute of Sagittarius, Pisces and Leo. The enemy zodiac signs are Taurus, Libra, Gemini and Virgo.
If the planet is against then it makes the person fragile, aggressive and impolite. This planet can also source cuts, annoyance, diseases of the stomach, etc. It makes it difficult to achieve success in life and gives lack of ambition to the person.
The gemstone for this planet is coral. Mangal Dev is highly in favour of his devotees as well as cruel to its ignorers. We wish that this planet blesses you with its kindness.

Mangal Mantra to Chant
Aum Bhaum Bhaumaye Namah Aum

Budh Dev

The planet Mercury is known for providing good education, quick intellect and gratifying look to the person. It protects the person from heat-induced ailments as well as depression. Budh Dev is also known for monitoring the family affairs in life. If the planet is in your favour then it will bring earnings, intellect, education and business as well as peace of mind. Its favourite colour is green and beloved day is Wednesday. Budh Dev is the deity of Goddess Parvati.
The Indian mythology has suggested some of the tasks to ensure that this planets works in your favour. The tasks are as follows:

• On any of the Wednesdays, donate green coloured clothes to the needy
• You should worship goddess Parvati with yellow or green flowers
• According to your pocket, contribute alloy or alloy utensils
• You can distribute grams, sugar powder and butter oil to the person in need and feed the animals with fodders
• Distribute fruits
• Wear Emerald (Not, if Mercury is debilitated in your Kundli)
• You can offer multiple coloured flowers or flowers of assorted colour in Hawan
• You can put a Tilak on your forehead of saffron or paste of ivory or wear a bead of ivory
• Recite Vedic Mantra of Mercury
• You should chant Seed Mantra of Mercury
• Have fast on Wednesdays

Note: If, Mercury is bad or debilitated in your chart then only the donations or offering gifts to others are allowed, but, if the Sun is good then not, so do confirm with us first, as sometimes making wrong donations may give big losses rather than any profit.

Note: The tasks mentioned above are very general in nature, you are advised to consult us at for specific result oriented remedies meant for you before performing any; as remedies are meant for guaranteed changes in life. 

Budh Dev is known for its communication as well as intellect. You can see this planet in the morning and evening in the form of a shinning star. This planet, sometimes, can also be seen during the day owing to its radiation power. In our solar system, it is the smallest planet. This planet rules writers, intelligence, self-confidence, humour, astrology, education, the nervous system, etc.
Virgo and Gemini are the zodiac signs ruled by Mercury. It brings auspicious results for Jyeshtha, Revati, Rohini, Ashlekha, Hast and Shravan nakshatras. It offers unfavourable results to Svati, Pushya, Anuradha, Adra, Chitra and Magha nakshatras. The planet gives best results when the person is between 32 to 35 years of age. If the planet is not in favour of the person then it brings asthma, kidney trouble and neurosis.
The gemstone for the planet Mercury is Emerald. When Budh Dev is in favour then it makes the person adorable amid the loved ones. We wish that Budh Dev enriches your life with its gentleness.
Budh Mantra to Chant
Aum Bum Budhaye Namah Aum

Brihaspati Dev

The planet Jupiter is known as Guru Dev which means that it is the biggest among all the planets. This planet is well thought-out to be the bestower of successes. If it is in favour then it brings respect from others and the person enjoys elderly quality. Further, if the planet showers favour on the person then it counters all the ill effects of other planets easily. The favourite day and colour of this planet is Thursday and Yellow, respectively. It is the much-loved deity of Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva, Indra and Goddess Parvati.
The Indian mythology has given some of the tasks to ensure that this planet is in your favour. The tasks are as follows:
         On any of the Thursdays, contribute a part of pale yellow fabric to the needy
         With gram pulse and raw sugar, you can feed an Ox on Thursday
         On any of the Thursdays, in the index finger, you can wear Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) for a long duration (Not, if Jupiter is debilitated in your Kundli)
         Distribute sweets
         If your budget allows then on Thursdays donate Gold or Copper
         For a week, worship Lord Shiva. It should be done by pouring some Butter oil on Shiva Linga
         Start worshipping goddess Parvati, Lord Brahma and Indra with yellow flowers
         Distribute religious books
         Allocate yellow fruits
         Worship the banana tree with offerings on Thursdays
         Keep Mounavrat on Thursday
         Recite Vedic Mantra of Jupiter by using turmeric beaded garland
         Chant Seed Mantra of Jupiter by using turmeric beaded garland

Note: If, Jupiter is bad or debilitated in your chart then only the donations or offering gifts to others are allowed, but, if the Sun is good then not, so do confirm with us first, as sometimes making wrong donations may give big losses rather than any profit.

Note: The tasks mentioned above are very general in nature, you are advised to consult us at for specific result oriented remedies meant for you before performing any; as remedies are meant for guaranteed changes in life. 

Guru Dev is the teacher of astrology and astronomy. This planet rules over the Sun, the Moon as well as all the planets. The planet signifies destiny and fate and rules over spirituality, riches, etc. This planet is also known to be gracious and masculine. If the planet is in favour of the person then it brings name, fame, accomplishment, capital as well as a healthy relationship with children. The support of Guru Dev also benefits whatever planets it is in association with.
The direction of this planet is north-east. This planet is big and has a pot belly. Its name Guru means heavy in weight. The friends list comprises of Sun, Mars and the Moon. The enemies are Mercury and Venus. Rahu, Ketu and Saturn maintain neutrality with this planet in terms of friendship. Gemini and Virgo are the signs of disadvantage. Guru Dev benefits in Punarvasu, Purva Bhadrapad, Uttra Phalguni, Uttrakshad and Vishakha nakshatras. This planet is very significant for the females as it determines their marriage and relationship with her husband.
This planet also rules over flow of blood in arteries and fat in the human organism. Yellow Sapphire is the gemstone for Jupiter. Guru Dev also rules over yellow flora, yellow shade fruits, onions, garlic, gold and bronze. The planet influences the person in the 15, 16, 22 and 40 years of age. If the planet is afflicted then it brings liver ailments, swelling, tuberculosis, etc. Guru Dev is known for governing the vital power of one’s body. It also provides luxuries and calm living to the person. It is considered to be the king of planets owing to which it automatically brings down the ill effects of other planets. We wish that this planet blesses you with its power.

Guru Mantra to Chant
Aum Brim Brahaspataye Namah Aum

Shukra Dev

The planet Venus is principally related with family life and livelihood of the person. If the planet is in favour then it provides wealth, success in business and occupations and controls fatness of the person. The most liked colours of Shukra Dev are light blue and white. The favourite day of Shukra Dev is Friday and it is the deity of Goddess Lakshmi.
The Indian mythology has suggested a few tasks by performing which you can enjoy the benefits from this planet. These tasks are given below:
         Donate rice, sugar crystals and light blue cloth to the needy on any of the Fridays
         If possible, donate a white horse
         On Fridays, make use of white or light blue coloured clothes
         Bath Goddess Lakshmi with Panchamrit
         To please Shukra Dev, worship Goddess Lakshmi with white flowers and Tilak
         You should offer sandalwood in fire sacrifice and white flowers and chant the mantra of the planet at the same time
         You should spray lotus scent on yourself as well as in the house
         Eat curd
         You should wear, on Friday, a diamond ring on small finger (Not, if Venus is debilitated in your Kundli)
         Recite the Vedic mantra of the planet
         Chant the Seed mantra of Venus planet

Note: If, Venus is bad or debilitated in your chart then only the donations or offering gifts to others are allowed, but, if the Sun is good then not, so do confirm with us first, as sometimes making wrong donations may give big losses rather than any profit.

Note: The tasks mentioned above are very general in nature, you are advised to consult us at for specific result oriented remedies meant for you before performing any; as remedies are meant for guaranteed changes in life. 

This planet is considered to be kind as well as feminine. The Shukra Dev is known for governing romance, sexual pleasure, marriage, luxuries, prosperity, etc. of the person. If one talks about the body of a person then this planet rules over several places which consists of the reproductive system, throat and kidneys. The friends list constitutes of Mercury and Saturn whereas the enemies are the Sun and the Moon. One interesting factor is that Venus considers Jupiter as its enemy but Jupiter is neutral in terms of friendship with Shukra Dev.
The planet rules on Taurus and Libra. If the planet is in favour then it offers the person wealth, desirability to the opposite sex in the premature element of life, comfort, etc. This planet makes the person gentle, a fond of tasty food, etc. The Shukra Dev inspires these people to be musicians plus seekers of truth and knowledge. The planet makes the person love the company of the members of the opposite sex, musicians, etc. On the other hand, if the planet goes against someone then there are problems in marriage, brings diseases of ovaries and venereal disease.
Purva Phalguni, Purvashada and Bharani are the nakshatras related to the planet. The friendly signs of the planet comprise of Sagittarius and Capricorn. The enemy signs are Cancer and Leo. The utmost authority of this planet is between 25 to 27 years of age.
The Shukra Dev is a planet which has cold nature and is a symbol of love as well as harmony. It controls the marital life, pleasures, taste of life as well as the actions of the body.

Shukra Mantra to Chant
Aum Shum Shukraye Namah Aum

Shani Dev

Shani Dev is the deity of Lord Hanuman and its favourite colours are black and blue. The planet symbolizes cruelty and brings irritations for the people. The favourite day of Shani Dev is Saturday.
According to the Indian mythology, you can increase the support of the planet by doing some or all of the following tasks:
• You can donate a cow or a piece of black cloth to ensure that this planet works in your favour
• Donate a piece of copper on Saturday
• Donate mustard oil on any of the Saturdays
• You can wear a blue sapphire on any Saturday for a long time in the middle finger to ensure that the planet works in your favour (Not, if Saturn is debilitated in your Kundli)
• In Fire Sacrifice, offer Mustard oil and black flowers to enjoy the benefits from Shani Dev
• You can be benefitted if you give away iron articles in flowing water
• On any of the Saturdays, you should distribute seven cereals to the poor
• To avail some more benefits from this planet, you can wear a ring in the middle finger which is designed from the worn out Black horse shoe. This ring should be worn on Saturday to ensure fruitful results
• If you wear a ring which is designed of old nail taken out of Boat then it will also be beneficial
• To please the Saturn planet, you can apply black vermilion on your forehead
• The planet Saturn is also pleased if you help differently able people
• If it’s possible for you then fast in winter season on Saturdays
• Using Rudraksha Mala chant the Vedic Mantra of the planet
• You can make use of Rudraksha Mala to recite the Seed Mantra of the planet

Note: If, Saturn is bad or debilitated in your chart then only the donations or offering gifts to others are allowed, but, if the Sun is good then not, so do confirm with us first, as sometimes making wrong donations may give big losses rather than any profit.

Note: The tasks mentioned above are very general in nature, you are advised to consult us at for specific result oriented remedies meant for you before performing any; as remedies are meant for guaranteed changes in life. 

When the planet is in good turn it brings for the person things such as wisdom, fame, patience, spirituality and long life. On the other hand, well you know very well what the other side can be; it offers miseries, disappointment, disputes and loneliness to the person. The planet rules hair, bones, nervous system, etc.
The zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled over by Shani Dev. The list of friends includes Rahu, Ketu, Mercury as well as Venus. Its enemies consist of Sun, Mars and the Moon. If you’re thinking about friendship then this planet has a neutral friendship with Jupiter. The favourable results of this planet can be seen in Sagittarius and Pisces. This planet is gracious towards zodiacal signs Gemini and Taurus. It is unpleasant for Cancer, Leo, and Scorpio. The best and worst results are delivered by this planet at the age between 36 to 42.
The planet is well-known as a planet of learning. We wish you the very best that may Shani Dev bless you with its favour.

Shani Mantra to Chant
Aum Sham Shanaishcharaye Namah Aum


Rahu Dev

The planet Rahu Dev is the deity of Lord Hanuman and the favourite colour is Blue, Black as well as Cola. The favourite day of Rahu Dev is Saturday and the planet is related to mind, insanity and many times offers unsuccessful wonderings to the people.
To minimize the ill effects of this planet, one can indulge in some tasks as said in the Indian mythology. These comprise of the following:
         To turn Rahu Dev into favour, one can donate, on any of the Saturdays, blue or cola coloured cloth
         If it’s possible for you then it is good to donate gold or lead to the needy
         To ensure the favour from Rahu Dev, one can give out, on any Saturday, sesamum seeds as well as mustard oil
         Do fire sacrifices (Hawan) by providing black flowers
         Donate blankets of black or cola colour in winters
         Use black or cola colour blankets for you
         If you want to appease Rahu Dev then start worshipping Lord Hanuman
         If possible, eat oily food on Saturday
         Wear Hessonite (Gomed) (Not, if Rahu is debilitated in your Kundli)
         Burn Guggul which is called Gum bdellium olibanum everyday
         To enjoy cheering results, recite Rahu's Vedic Mantra. The mantra should be recited with Rudraksha Beaded Garland
         Chant Seed Mantra of Rahu Dev with Red Sandal

Note: If, Rahu is bad or debilitated in your chart then only the donations or offering gifts to others are allowed, but, if the Sun is good then not, so do confirm with us first, as sometimes making wrong donations may give big losses rather than any profit.

Note: The tasks mentioned above are very general in nature, you are advised to consult us at for specific result oriented remedies meant for you before performing any; as remedies are meant for guaranteed changes in life. 

Rahu Dev has a smoky blue colour and is animalistic in its nature. This planet is by no means satisfied and until the end of time urges for everything that gives pleasure. The zodiac sign of Rahu Dev is Virgo and some of its friends are Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Libra. The enemy signs encompass of Cancer and Leo. There are some friendly planets of Rahu Dev which are Venus, Saturn as well as Mercury. Further, there are some enemy planets which comprise of Moon, Sun and Mars. Taurus and Libra are the two signs in which Rahu Dev gives fortunate results. The planet is known for its capability to offer power and provide fame, physical beauty and money to people. 42 to 48 years is the age between which Rahu Dev shows its effects.
The favourable results do not last for long and even if one gets everything which one desired even then he/she will never be satisfied. This planet is known for giving mental as well as physical illness to the people.
Rahu Dev makes the person self-absorbed and hypnotic. We wish that Rahu Dev enriches your life with its favourism.

Mantra to Chant
Aum Ram Rahuve Namah Aum

Ketu Dev

Ketu Dev is known for bestowing love for god and high values. Ketu is responsible for making one congenial among the people in a social circle. If the planet is favourable then it will surely bring luxury as well as wealth for the person. Ketu Dev is also a sign of action, intuition as well as innovation. Ketu Dev gives psychic abilities to its natives. Smoke colour is the favourite colour of Ketu Dev. The favourite day of Ketu Dev is Saturday. The favourite God/Deity is Lord Bhairav who is said to be an incarnation of Lord Shiva.
Ketu Dev is considered to be the rest of the body of Rahu Dev. Ketu Dev is known by the devotees for bestowing wisdom, powers of discrimination and spiritual tendencies, etc. Gemini, Sagittarius, Capricorn,Virgo and Pisces are some of the welcoming signs of Ketu Dev. Cancer and Leo are in the list of enemy signs. Taurus, Sagittarius and Pisces are the signs in which the planet is powerful. If we talk about the friends then it includes Mercury, Venus and Saturn and the enemies constitute of Sun, Moon and Mars. Jupiter is the only planet with which Ketu Dev maintains neutrality.
Further, it is believed that Ketu’s upper half of the body is of a man and the rest a fish. Pisces is the sign of Ketu Dev. If one thinks of the nakshatras of Ketu Dev then these are Ashvini, Mul and Magha.  If Ketu Dev is afflicted with a person then it will serve him with excessive heat in the body, diseases of joints and nerves. Ketu Dev gives imprisonment, anxiety, starvation and death by starvation to people.
As said in the Indian mythology, one needs to perform a few tasks to increase the good effects of Ketu Dev. The tasks are given below which one can choose as per convenience.
         Donate in charity iron, blankets and Sesamum Seeds on Saturday
         On any Saturday of the month, distribute all seven cereals
         Ketu Dev will be big-hearted if you wear smoke coloured clothes
         Ketu Dev will be favourable if you worship Lord Hanuman everyday with Dhoop as well as Red flowers
         Eat coconut and give it to the needy as well
         On any of the Saturdays of the month, wear Cat's Eye in silver ring in the middle finger and enjoy the favour of Ketu Dev (Not, is Ketu is debilitated in your Kudli)
         Burn Benzoin everyday
         Chant Ketu's Vedic Mantra with Rudraksha Beaded Garland
         Chant seed Mantra of Ketu Dev with Rudraksha Beaded Garland

Note: If, Ketu is bad or debilitated in your chart then only the donations or offering gifts to others are allowed, but, if the Sun is good then not, so do confirm with us first, as sometimes making wrong donations may give big losses rather than any profit.

Note: The tasks mentioned above are very general in nature, you are advised to consult us at for specific result oriented remedies meant for you before performing any; as remedies are meant for guaranteed changes in life. 

You will experience an extraordinary success if Ketu Dev turns into your act of kindness. We wish that Ketu Dev blesses you with its benediction.

Ketu Dev Mantra to Chant
Aum Kaim Ketave Namah Aum

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