Monday, July 20, 2015



     Friends, this is our endevour to make your wishes, your feelings, your dreams, reach GOD directly, with the Help of REIKI and Meditation. Now, what does a Reiki Master do for You. Ok, let's take an example that you dont know how to invest money in Share Market but you do know that this is the place where you can grow money rapidly, otherwise even after earning less money the other person around you is making it more in quantity buy investing at right place. Now, after watching this either you would invest the money by yourself where you can make profit with great risk or you would make loses; or you would hire a knowledgeable investor who would invest your money at right place & would provide you great profits that too without much risk. The same way in this cut throat competition and rat raced life, many of us are not able to spare time for meditation or prayers directly from heart; so when we are not connected properly, how would we be able to convey our wishes properly & in that case, we are left with no listenings to our prayers and grudges towards God. NOW, IT IS HIGH TIME, when you can send your wishes to us & we would perform REIKI on POORNIMA on every month, where we would keep Print outs of wishes collected in a month. All those wishes would be read and sent to God after performing a rigourious Meditation session. Regular and frequent sessions of Reiki for your wishes & dreams would result in materilisation of the same. Infact, timings of Reiki session will be displayed on this page & if you also sit in peace, praying for your wish at that time will booster the possibility of occuring of the same soon. You are also requested, that after completion of your wishes spare time for others wishes by joining us, on the timings displayed here, in performing prayers and Reiki, so that you could also feel the same happiness & contentment of being worthy to someone in life, the way we feel after every Reiki session...
             One more thing to remember, God is your father and friend, so dont write or wish anything out of any fear or formality, infact, be free to write the true feelings of your heart in clear and straight words. As, your father would be feeling more connected with you, if you go and hug him and talk straight out of love, instead you start reading Sanskrit shloka out of formality that too without knowing the meaning of the same. So, even shlokas or anything can be used but do know meaning of the same & love and attachment should be on priority instead of formality or fear.

write down your wish & send the same at

we as a messanger, waiting to convery your love letters to God.
Tathastu Jyotishalya

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